Related article: shooting. It had to be arranged Robaxin Canada
for otherwise. All the waters, i.t. t
fisheries, on the Dee are lee at
long rentals. They have gone up
by leaps and bounds during the
past twenty years, and especially
so during the past decade. It is
commonly reckoned that half a
mile of either bank, with a couple
of good holding salmon pools,
brings a better and surer income
to the estate management than a Robaxin 750
200 or 300 acre farm on its banks.
Her Majesty the Queen has
declined to renew Robaxin Brand Name her lease of the
waters opposite Balmoral, Aber-
geldie, and Birkhall, because her
rental has been raised from £900
to ^"1,500 at a jump. It is not
yet let, although ^1,400 has been
offered. The six miles 1 stretch
which used to go along with the
Invercauld Arms at Ballater for
an annual rental of ^"175 has been
let, past the Robaxin 1000 Mg present leasees, who
have it up till May, at ^1,500 per
annum. The Invercauld private
water, attached to Invercauld
House, brings ^"400 ; so that the
Invercauld management bags the
nice little total of something like
^"3,400 from their salmon angling
waters alone, and they are by no
means the pick of Dee waters.
Sir William C. Brooks, Bart.,
gets ^"1,000 of rental for some
parts of his famous Glentana
pools, annually in spring, and his
only difficulty is in making a
selection from the host of appli-
cants, who would give more if
asked. It is a well-known fact
that really good salmon angling
waters, such as the middle readies
of the Dee, will fetch almost any
figure asked for them. They
seldom come into the market, and
are usually "bespoke" long be-
fore the current lease ends. There
are two outstanding reasons for
this being the case. The supply
is very limited ; and the demand
is steadily on the increase. The
popularity of salmon angling was
never so great, while such streams
as the Don and Spey have been
given up as salmon rivers of the
first water.
The " Boat-pool " was entirely Robaxin 500mg Tablets
out of sight as far as the main
*' lie " of the fish was concerned,
but the tail of it seemed quite
tempting enough in this rugged,
roaring, spatey torrent. Fixing
up a big three-inch Gordon — the
king of Dee flies — I commenced
covering the better part of the
flat, while my friend and Mc-
Dougall made for the " Fir Tree "
pool, about a quarter of a mile or
so lower down. A boil, and the
flash of a big tail, instantly fol-
lowed by a rug- tug, indicated a
somewhat Robaxin Methocarbamol unexpected and speedy
engagement. I replied to the
invitation, and made certain that Robaxin 500
the hook was well home by a
vigorous attempt to bring my
greenheart to the perpendicular,
but this only resulted in bending
it like a bow on the Robaxin High full stretch.
For a moment or two a wriggl-
ing process went on, followed by
a series of electric shocks and
jerks, a foot or two of line being
all the freedom demanded, and
which the pressure of my left
hand index finger would allow.
I did not mean to keep it in, but
I prefer at all times to keep the
fish well in hand from start to
finish, with Robaxin 500 Mg as tight a line as the
exigencies of the case may war-
rant at the time. This tug-of-
war lasted some two or three
minutes, when the tactics were as
suddenly changed, and the fish
made a bolt right into the thick
of the current. Up till now I
thought I was dealing with a
" kelt." There were plenty of
them about, as is always Robaxin 750 Mg the case
at the opening of the salmon
season. But a spent fish will
seldom face a heavy current, and
if so, not for long ; while this one
not only faced the fuU force of the Robaxin Euphoria
flood, but began actually to bore Robaxin Generic Name
up and across it. Yard after yard
of line was spun off, till he was
fully halfway across, and then Robaxin 500 Mg Muscle Relaxer
the " song of the reel " ceased for
the nonce. For another two or
three minutes we waited each
other's pleasure. I began to think
of the big stones, which might be
in my way, and the chances of Generic Robaxin it
getting round some of them with
from seventy to eighty yards of
silk line between us, on which the
heavy current was making a
dangerous belly, Robaxin Mg when it slackened
all Robaxin 75 Mg at once, and the fish fell down
the stream.
Reeling in the belly of the line,
and following up the swiftly falling
fish as fast as I could, brought me
abreast of my quarry, and upon
more equal terms, when as bad Generic For Robaxin luck
would have it, my foot caught in
a rabbit hole in the bank, and
over I went flat on my face. For
the moment I thought the game
was all up, but the steady paying
out of the reel told me that as
yet we had not parted company,
although my rod lay flat among a
range of last year's whins quite
intact. Had the point piece been
smashed in the fall I should not
have been surprised ; as it was, I
sprang to my feet, and heedless
of bruises and sprains about the
legs and arms, continued the
fight. If it got little law before
it got less now, for a big fir tree
loomed in the distance, and I had
no intention of negotiating it, as
it was too deep to-day to think of
getting round, so Salmo and I
had to come to closer quarters.
Several times I had seen the
silver broad side indicating a
blown fish, and if once I could
get his head into the bank, and
into the comparatively calm water,
I could then count on victory with
more certainty. Round it came
most beautifully, and into the
wished-for spot. But in the fall-
ing back process it had partially
recovered its blown state, and our
tussle was not yet over. As soon
as it caught sight of me there
was another spurt right Robaxin 550 Mg into the
current, and then another yielding
to the pressure of the rod. How
long this might have lasted I
could not say, but just then Mc-
Dougall appeared with the gaff,
and getting below me, I heard
the " Let him come, sir," and the
next minute he had the steel into
our " first blood," and a beauty
of fourteen pounds to boot.
" Here's tight lines to you, sir,"
said Mac, as he drained the
" Purchase Robaxin loving," and sometimes too
much " beloved " cup, with quite
a business air. " And now your
best plan is just to go over the
best parts of the water again, and
you'll get another to grace the
But although we had to " do "
with Robaxin Generic several kelts or spent fish,